Seminary Ridge Business Park - 65 acres - Hebron

Site name and address

Business Park nameSeminary Ridge Business Park
Street address (or Lat/Long) 39.9874, -82.4904
Postal Code43025

General Site Information

Available Acres65 acres
Asking Price Per Acre$100,000/acre
General Site Configuration/ShapeRectangular
Topography of siteFlat to gently rolling
Additional Acreage AvailableThere is additional acreage availble north of Beaver Run Road within the Seminary Ridge Business Park. For property details on this site, please see Seminary Ridge Business Park - Heath.
Use of the SiteVacant Land Prepared for Development
Existing Structures and StatusNone

Site Ownership and Current Conditions

Current Property OwnersPublically owned by the Heath-Newark-Licking County Port Authority
Rick Platt, President and CEO
Title for Site Readily TransferableYes

Zoning & Encumbrances

Current ZoningM-1, Manufacturing
Height Restrictions50'
Use RestrictionsMust follow zoning requirements and covenants for the site. Typical restrictions include no retail, etc. Typical covenant restrictions include no odor or dust.
Surrounding Land UsesUndeveloped land zoned for manufacturing, agriculture, and warehouses
Future Land Use Plans for SiteIndustrial
CC&Rs in Place for the SiteIn place
Mineral Rights/Water RightsWill transfer with new owner

Site Access/Transportation

Road Access to the SiteThe site can be accessed from Beaver Run Road
Construction Access to the SiteAvailable
Nearest 4-lane or Interstate Highway0.5 miles to SR 79
3 miles to I-70
Nearest Commercial Airport3.5 miles to Newark-Heath Airport
30 miles to John Glenn International Airport
Access to RailFeasible. A rail line runs along a portion of the east property line.
Access to Cargo Service33 miles to Rickenbacker International Airport

Emergency Preparedness

Distance to Hospital 5 miles to Licking Memorial Hospital
Distance to Fire Station3.5 miles to Heath Fire Department Station 51
Distance to Police Station2.8 miles to Heath Police Department


Service currently available at the site:138kV and 34.5kV
Name of current or potential service providers:The site can be served by AEP Ohio and The Energy Cooperative
Distance to electric line:To the site
Is electric service redundant:Feasible

Natural Gas

Service currently available at the site:Natural Gas
Name of current or potential service providersThe Energy Cooperative
Distance to gas line:At-site


Name of water provider:Village of Hebron
Description of the water service (size of the lines, distance to the property and total capacity):12-inch waterline located ~1,200 feet from the site. Contact Jason Figgins at the Village of Hebron at for current capacity information.
Type of line serving the propertyGravity
Future planned capacity/infrastructure expansions at the site:The Village plans to extend its 12" waterline to Beaver Run Road for future development.


Name of wastewater providerVillage of Hebron
Size of nearest line(s) & Distance24" sewer stub located 3,000 feet from the site.
Total permitted capacity mgdContact Tom Coleman at the Village of Hebron at for current capacity information.
Future planned capacity/infrastructure expansions at the site:None


Fiber service to site?Yes
Telecom ProviderMultiple

Environmental Studies

Phase I Environmental Report:Phase I complete; no further action required
Wetlands Delineation:Complete
Archeological/Historical:Cultural Resource Review Complete
Geotechnical Assessment:Complete
Hazards on site:None

Seminary Ridge Business Park - 100 acres - Heath


184 acres - 6825 National Road - Etna