GLC Contributors

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Meet Angela Carnahan

Who are you?

Workforce Development Administrator for Ohio Means Jobs Licking County

What is it that your company/organization does?  

We are a community resource for Licking County employers and job seekers. We assist job seekers in obtaining new employment, receiving further education, or simply brushing up their resumes and interview skills. We also provide screening, recruitment, and training assistance for employers throughout the county. Ohio Means Jobs Licking County is run and operated by the Licking County Department of Job and Family Services.  All of our services are provided without cost to our customers.  

We also provide access to workforce partner services such as: Central Ohio Technical College, C-TEC, Licking County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, The Ohio State University-Newark, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and Vantage Aging.

How long have you been with the organization?

23 years.           

How do you impact economic development in our community?

We help by providing access to a diverse and skilled applicant pool assisting employers with meeting talent needs. We also provide support for workforce expansions and skills upgrading to promote retention and growth for our community.                                                                     

What did you do before your current position here?

Prior to my current position, I spent 12 years as the agency’s Program Specialist focusing on social program development (including workforce programming), procurement, contracting and monitoring.  

What is your favorite part about this company/position?

We meet and work with individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We support workforce needs of local businesses while having the opportunity to prepare our workforce with skills that will attract future economic growth opportunities for the county.  

Where do you see this company/organization in the future?

We are always evolving and trying to meet the demands of job seekers and employers.  As technology continues to change the way we do business, we continue to look for ways to enhance our services.  There will always be people looking for employment and employers looking for employees.  Our task will be to continue to enhance the connection between employers and job seekers. 

What has working with this company/organization taught you?

Unemployment & hard times can happen to anyone.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help-there are people that care and want you to succeed regardless of your situation.  Keep your skills up to date and be forward thinking-opportunities are plentiful.      

Anything else you would like to share?

I have the best job! We are blessed with a great community and strong workforce partnerships that many communities do not have. I am fortunate to have a talented and dedicated staff that are truly committed to workforce development and serving the public.  Whether you’re a business looking to hire talent or a jobseeker looking for a new career-we are here to help.


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GLC Contributors