GLC Contributors


Meet Linda Nicodemus

Who are you?

Linda Nicodemus

Where are you located?

Village of Hebron

What is it that your company/organization does?

Local Government

How do you impact economic development in our community?

My job is to encourage and help developers and property owners.

How long have you been with the company?

20 years

What is your role with this company/organization?

Community Development & Stormwater Coordinator

What did you do before your current position here?

At Holophane – 3rd Shift paintline

What is your favorite part about this company/position?

It’s working for your hometown.

Where do you see this company/organization in the future?

Growing rapidly

What has working with this company/organization taught you?

Public Service, the impacts to communities; flooding, environment, safety, health, growth or lack of growth, property maintenance, code enforcement, economic development, getting public involvement, public funding and grants.


GLC Contributors


GLC Contributors