GLC Contributors


Meet Kyle Fulton

Who are you?

Kyle Fulton Manufacturing Coordinator C-TEC Adult and Workforce education

Where are you located?

Newark, Ohio

What is it that your company/organization does?

Technical education and Workforce Development

How do you impact economic development in our community?

C-TEC is a driving force in the development and training of new and incumbent workers through career technical education.

How long have you been with the company?

5 Years

What is your role with this company/organization?

Manufacturing and Workforce training coordinator

What did you do before your current position here?

Various roles within the manufacturing sector, specifically in plastic injection molding and CNC machining industries.

What is your favorite part about this company/position?

The opportunity to interact and impact so many businesses within Licking county and the Central Ohio region through workforce development.

Where do you see this company/organization in the future?

I see us continuing to grow and being an impactful partner to the expansion of Licking County’s growing workforce.

What has working with this company/organization taught you?

That the development of a strong and advanced workforce is one of the best investments for the longevity of an organization’s success.

Anything else you would like to share? 

I am very proud of our community! The forward-thinking approach Licking County leadership takes to build and grow our economy is proof of why this is a great place to work and live!


GLC Contributors


GLC Contributors